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Fig. 2 | Biomarker Research

Fig. 2

From: Global research hotspots, development trends and prospect discoveries of phase separation in cancer: a decade-long informatics investigation

Fig. 2

Regression curve analysis, hotspot burst analysis, and research prospect discovery of research themes regarding phase separation in the field of oncology.

A The population of regression-fitted curves based on the frequency of annual occurrence for the themes. “a” indicates the slope of the fitted curve. “R2” indicates the degree of correlation between the two variables. B The burst status and temporal evolution of the themes. C The research prospect discovery for the themes. After performing the Walktrap algorithm based on the random walk strategy, all themes were categorized into four quadrants. Quadrant I is for topics highly relevant to the field and already well-developed. Quadrants II and III are topics of low relevance to the field. Quadrant IV is for topics of high relevance to the field but still under-developed, indicating their research prospect.

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